Friday, November 9, 2007

Ladies and Germs, I present to you the one, the only, JODY NORWOOD

It has been brought to my attention that my dearest pal Jody is NOT IN my friend picture post!!!! Somehow she did not make it in that cute pic (which I thought included the whole gang), my guess is she was taking the picture, but none the less, she has sadly been excluded :( Therefore, I dedicate this Friday post to her . . . . . lets take a quick trip down Jody's memory lane. . . .
"Sluts, all four of you!" - Ruth Norwood

Cap Hill Block Partyyyyyyyyyyy!!!

In San Fran after surviving a swat team raid!

Sasquatch 2007!!!


Happy Friday Everyone!!!!

I am heading to Eastern WA for the weekend- Spokecompton look out! Can't wait to get my hands on a bagel doggggggg . . . . . . . hmmmmmmmmmmm . . . . . . . so yummy!!!! Seriously- SO GOOD!!!! With mustard. Yum.


Grassyllama said...

You will be eating a bagel dog in a matter of hours.

Jody said...

AHHHH! I can't believe it took me till Tuesday to see this blog entry! I feel so honored, or like I am dead and this is my memorium ha! Thanks for making me feel included!