Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Swiss Miss

Alex recently returned from his European Ski Extravaganza, and now has his sights set on moving to Switzerland. Our new two year plan, seriously look into moving to Geneva, or some smaller Swiss village.

I think I'm ready for a change . . . so why not Switzerland? Alex can teach over there, especially if he passes the National Board, and I can- well I can do something. I have been feeling restless lately. I do want to settle in Seattle, but not necessarily NOW. Might as well try new things while you can!

Alex could rent his house out . . . . it could happen people. Anyone want to come visit?


Jody said...

FUN! I feel ya on the wanting to do something now, and come back and settle in Seattle...can I come bum a couch for a few weeks, or a few months =).

Do it do it!

Unknown said...

i'm there! seriously do it!!! the euros arent so bad!

Francie said...

we can rent Alex's house!! If you get out soon! Ha

Grassyllama said...

I am TOTALLY all for this plan. Especially because I will most likely follow you guys there. Why not? I am all about not getting settled down into anything too fast.

Christina Padden said...

I love Switzerland. It was one of my favorite countries I visited! DO IT!!!