Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Gloomy Guts

Work has sucked lately. Not seeing eye to eye with people . . . I think eveyone is tense after the layoffs. Boo Urns. Hopefully it turns around soon.
On a happier note, I took the train down to Vancouver last weekend with my mom. Mo picked us up from the train (great way to travel), and we headed back to Grandma and Grandpa's house. Despite her recent fall/black eye, Grandma was in fine form. She gave me an awesome white wool hat and promised to leave me two paintings in her will when she dies.

We headed over to Mo and Wayne's for dinner, pizza-yum. Grandma put Mona's hairpiece on and danced around. Wayne said she looks like she belongs in a coffin. Just another day in the compound.

Wish I was back there now . . . .


Grassyllama said...

yum pizza!

So many references to Grandma's death!! Let's hope that doesn't happen for many MANY years.

sorry work has sucked- blame the economy. The good news is it's the holiday season. So whoop de do. And hickory dock. And don't. forget. to hang up your sock! Cuz just exactly at twelve o'clock HE'LL BE COMING DOWN THE CHIMNEY DOOOOOWN.

Francie said...

Boourns on work - let's brainstorm money-making ideas when I'm home for Christmas! So far I have...making buckwheat pillows, teaching english on skype, selling stuff on ebay, doing the lotto...hmmm...don't worry about work - let's plan tons of fun stuff for Christmas!

Unknown said...

heard from char-pad about your trip to the couv. she said you guys brought your energy and lots of laughs! what a fun weekend! dont let work get you down- work is making me antsy, too, lately. think its the lead-up to christmas!!! are we making mulled wine this year while we decorate the tree??? im up for it if you are!